Wednesday 29 August 2012


Okay, so I posted my goals yesterday, and when I want to achieve them by. Well, that was considering I could do well today, and even then they were only estimates I made while half asleep and sick in bed. So this post is dedicated to sorting those goals out, once and for all.

First of all, my stats.

HW: 68.5kg/151lbs
LW: 46.9kg/104lbs
CW: 53.5kg/118lbs
GW1: 50kg/110lbs
GW2: 48kg/106lbs
GW3: 46kg/101lbs
UGW: 44kg/97lbs

Now, when I intend to achieve my GW's by.

GW1: 50kg/110lbs
by the 8th of September 2012

GW2: 48kg/106lbs
by the 22nd of September 2012

GW3: 46kg/101lbs
by the 6th of October 2012

UGW: 44kg/97lbs
by the 20th of October 2012

I know I can do it, I've got it in me. I've restricted well before, and I don't actually have an issue with hunger. It's the greed, the looking to food for comfort. If I can overcome that, if I can understand that food is NOT my best friend, I will succeed.
I will succeed.

In December, I am going on holiday. Overseas. I want to be perfect by then. I want to enjoy myself over there, enjoy the sightseeing, and possibly buy some clothing over there to bring back here (since Australia is pretty shit with it's clothing - relatively low-quality and always too OTT in runway fashion style). The vacation destination? U.S.A. Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Anaheim, and a day trip to San Diego and Tijuana (Mexico). Once I am under control again, junk food doesn't set me off. It disgusts me. There isn't anything special in American to tempt me. Hot dogs, tacos, nachos, pizza, burgers, milkshakes, chilli dogs, donuts, peanut butter and jelly (or as us Aussie's say, jam). They're the kind of things I eat when I'm in a frenzy, ravenous. I only get like that after I indulge in something I love but deem to be bad for me. And to be honest, I know I can be better than that.


  1. I can not eat a lot of things but Swiss Rolls really get me. They are so disgusting but I can't resist.

    1. Oh my gosh, yes. I binged this weekend sadly, and I fucking at too much swiss roll! </3
