Wednesday 20 March 2013

I'm back.

So, like the title says, I'm back. And I've been doing terribly. I spiralled out of control for a long long time, as in about 3 months of non-stop bingeing since I went to America, with a couple of breaks in-between.

I probably weigh about 60kg now. It's disgusting, I hate myself, I hate my body, I just want to die. I hate that I cannot control myself, that I continue to stuff myself full of food. I wish I could go back to hating food they way I did not too long ago. Hating the taste of it, the feel of it. Sure I hate how it makes me feel now, but I love to eat it. I even tried purging earlier this year but I've come to realise I have absolutely no gag reflex whatsoever. So that clearly didn't work.

Yesterday was tough, I've been dating a guy, J, for a week now. He's nice, funny, and cares about me, and he's the first person I've actually confided in about my issues with food and depression etc, turns out we have alot in common. But his ex is horrible. She's been calling me a slut, making status' about how ugly I am, although I won't give any exact quotes incase somebody I know was to find this blog. Anyway, it's been hard for me to deal with. I was numb and cried last night, and again tonight. I gave myself a headache by crying, and used that as an excuse to stay off school today. First day off this year/term, and now I don't want to go back. I ended up bingeing again today, but this time knowingly preparing for a long restriction. I've been a bitch lately, getting on people's bad sides. Starting to push away the friends I've made, and having successfully pushed away my old friends. It's starting again.

I just feel so... bleh. Like the static on a tv channel with no signal, it's there, but it's not. That's how I feel. I've been doing shit in school the whole term so far, which is really bad because these grades will determine my OP. I need at least an OP9 I think. That doesn't seem to likely though. I can't focus in class, I've been bingeing and all I can think about is how big and fat I am or how many calories I have consumed or have left or what I'm going to eat, even on restricting days I still think like this, I'm doing the math in my head all day long and I can't freaking handle it anymore! Teachers are getting mad at me because they think I'm purposely not doing my work and being an ignorant brat, one of my teachers told J 'good luck with dating her. I just don't like her, she never does her work and doesn't pay attention in class'. When he told me that, I brushed it off and said I hated her anyway. But I actually care about what she and my other teachers think of me and I can't tell them what's going on because I just cannot deal with anyone knowing, especially because I'm so fat that it doesn't even look like I have issues it just looks like I am looking for attention.

I'm gonna leave it here, because I broke down crying mid-sentence. I can't do this. Tomorrow I am restricting, and if I fail, I might die.


Wednesday 31 October 2012

Got some explaining to do....

So it's been about 5 weeks since my last post.....
I'm not even sure where to start, or what to say. How do I explain my absence? Well, I guess the best I can do is say there's been quite a lot of, er, shit, going on lately, excuse my French.
I'm moving house, I'm in the process of getting ready to switch high schools because of how shit things are at mine - I'll start my new high school beginning of 2013, did I mention that will be my senior year?
I'm getting things together for my big holiday coming up in America, and finishing off this years school work.
I needed some time to sort things out.
The best bit of news I have for you (or those of you who will even bother to read this blog after my absence) is that I have not binged for 2 and a half weeks, and currently weigh:
49.7kg (109.5lbs)!!!!!
So, YAY!
I dunno. I can't think of what else there is to say, of any importance at least. Hey, it may interest you to know that I have pretty much no friends left at school, which is partly why I'm leaving. I'm intentionally excluded there, and my two sorta-friends both belong to larger groups of friends that want absolutely nothing to do with me. Heh.
SkinnyyLovee Xx

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Rewards System?

Ok, this binge shit? Yeah, it's fucking over. O-V-E-R, OVER. I cannot stand my fat fucking body. I'm just so fucking glad that I don't actually look to be 56kg, it has to be sort of food weight. I look like I did at 53 ot 54kg. Not good, but not like, super shit. Like I said in my last post, 2 weeks and 4 days to lose 6kg. Then an extra 2 weeks had better get me down to 47kg. For fucks sake, this weight has to go, I'm getting depressed again! FUCK THIS. I'm full of rage, having a big-arse rage rant for all of you. Sorry, I'm sorry.

Anyway, once I reach 50kg (so long as it is in 2 weeks and 4 days, OR LESS) I am allowed to colour my hair again. Either a purple brown or a red brown, similar to the brown in my head shots, but more fun for the warmer months ahead. Once I reach 47kg, (again, by then end of the first 2 weeks back at school, OR EARLIER) I can get my second holes done for my ears! I want these two things so much. So I better get working, NO MORE BINGING I FEEL LIKE SHIT I DO NOT GET WHY I DO IT! I AM STRONGER THAN THIS, I HAVE PROVEN IT BEFORE AND I CAN PROVE IT AGAIN!

x SkinnyyLovee

I Need Help.

I really, really need some help. 8 days in a row, then a good 280cal day yesterday, then the 9th day today - 9 days of bingeing. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I had done so well, 6 days under 300cal and look at me! I have GOT to get back on track. I am 56kg. 56kg for fucks sake! I know I'm about 55kg without food weight. But still. Ok. My first goal is 50kg. I give myself tomorrow until the end of my 2 week holidays from school - so 2 weeks and 4 days pretty much. Then the first 2 weeks of term 4 I want to get to 47kg. Then maintain on 1000cals or less. I can do it. And one day a week for the 2 weeks and 4 days, I am allowed a maximum of 1000cals to boost my metabolism. Every other day, no more than 500cals. Preferably less. I can do this. Guys, please help me do this!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

4 Days Strong

I can proudly say I have not binged in 4 days (Sunday being my last binge). I know that I will probably have a binge day this weekend, because going cold turkey will only end in me going on another month-long binge, and that fucking sucks let me tell you. So I am thinking, I may allow myself one binge day per a week, until I think I am strong enough to have one a fortnight, then one every three weeks, one a month and then maybe leave it there? I'm not too sure, but I know that having the binge to look forward to will help me keep myself eating (rather, not eating) better so that I can have that binge day. It's like, I need to slowly wean myself off of these binges. Weekdays and my non-binge weekend day will be a maximum of 300 calories a day.

So, this week.
Mon: 85 calories
Tue: 246 calories
Wed: 225 calories
Thu: 182 calories (including the 2 teas and 2 coffees I intend to drink throughout the night)
So  that's 738 calories, in 4 days. Which is less than half of my daily maintenance. Fuck yeah!

In other news, I got an audition for a student film! My agent emailed me this morning, told me to contact the director. So, Sunday at 10:00am is the audition! (: I'm not expecting anything from it, it's my first ever audition and I'm a year younger than 4 of the 5 main characters (6 years younger than the 5th). I'm just excited to get some real practice in auditioning for when something I have a good chance at comes up. But, who knows? Maybe I'll get cast as an extra :)

So basically, I'm feeling pretty damn good right now. Day 5 of restricting tomorrow, I'm literally not even that hungry anymore. I had to force myself to have a 160cal soup yesterday to please mum, but I had no desire to eat it. For me, that's a great thing!

Stay Strong x

Monday 3 September 2012

So far, so good.

So today has gone really well so far. I didn't go to school today, half because I am still sick from the flu, and half because I am sick from yesterday's binge day. Never. Again.

But anyway, I've had about 47 calories so far today, and I'll probably have a maximum of another 50 tonight, however I'm not sure. I've also looked some more into veganism, vegetarianism etc. I'm going to be a strict vegetarian - no meat, eggs or dairy. Today I have made the switch back to soy milk. I say back to, because I have previously consumed only soy milk however I clearly did not stick to that.

I have a couple of things on my mind right now, after spending some time going through the forums of Mostly, I really related to some threads on ED's and friendships. And how the two just don't blend well together. It's so hard to socialise when I'm always worrying how I look, how my friends think I look, and worst of all - what might I have to eat? That's the biggest fear actually. I can't handle being out of control or having to make a quick decision on what I'll eat, as though it's not that important. And for others, it isn't. But I'm not others. I'm me. Woop-de-fucking-doo.

Anyway, I think I might go make myself a soy tea now. Stay strong,


Sunday 2 September 2012

New Method to my Madness

That's what it is really, madness.

But I have decided how exactly I will reach my UGW of 44kg/97lbs. But I'll go into that later in the post. First up, what happened today. Well, I binged. And binged hard. Honestly, I had about 900cals... for breakfast alone. I probably breached 4000cals today. For the whole of August, ever since the day of my 16th birthday (end of July), I have been bingeing about 4 or 5 days a week. In that time, I went from 46.8kg to 54kg. It's DISGUSTING!

Anyway, I gained control of my binging the day I started this blog, and today has been my first binge. And I feel so horrible, because I'd cleaned my body out and lost a kilo/2lbs, and this just made me feel shit. So I know I'll be fine without a binge for about another week. Maybe if I can give myself 2 700-900 calories days this week, I'll avoid a binge altogether.

This stuff has really been taking a toll on my school work and social life. I've avoided social events (I'm invited to very few as it is) because of my fear of going overboard on food. I have an issue with anything over 500-600 calories meaning a failed day, therefore I may as well keep eating. I can't handle this properly, I can't handle this at all. It's screwing with my mind, my life, my health and well-being.

All I want is to be skinny again. It's within my reach, I know it is. I've been skinny before, maybe not skinny enough, but skinny none-the-less. And I can be skinny again. Right?

Anyway, the way I've decided to lose weight and be healthier too. Let me start by saying, I have a  fairly bad lactose intolerance. If I have any dairy product, I generally get a horrible stomach ache and er, other symptoms. With that, I also don't enjoy eating meat. So, what does this have to do with my way of losing weight? Well, I'm going to go vegan. Follow a strict vegan diet, and only healthy foods. I sort of did this last year, and this year, and both times I felt so much healthier and so much more weightless. It was amazing. So yeah. Here's hoping! xx

I'm going to get back to this. And further.