Wednesday 29 August 2012


Today is the beginning of my health kick. I say health kick, because this is what my old lifestyle was, and it is truly a lifestyle choice. Not a diet.

I intend to only drink coffee and tea with milk, and water, for the entire day. Oh, and equal. I have a taste for sweetness. Mum and I are going to the shops to pay the flights and insurance for our trip to America this Christmas holiday. I will not go past the food court. I will not go into any supermarkets. I will not even get a skinny cappuccino. I will stay strong and empty. I will not punish myself.

My weight this morning: 54kg/119lbs

Fuck. I'm disgusting. When I move I can feel the fat on my stomach scrunching up. It's horrible.

I am going to make a deal with myself, so as not to completely freak out and have a full-blown panic attack, which will likely lead to a breakdown.

I will weigh myself every Wednesday and every Saturday, no exceptions. I must do it in the mornings too, before I've let a single thing through my lips. In a weeks time, I hope I can be around 51kg/112.5lbs.

I know I can do it.

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