Saturday 1 September 2012

Binge day.

Today is a binge day. It is also fathers day. I've never been one to celebrate today, because I've never met my father. I don't consider my dad to be my dad, he never wanted to know me and rejected my mum when she wouldnt have me aborted.

But today mum, M and I are having a big lunch for him. And I can't get out of it, so I'm embracing the food.

I decided not to weigh myself this morning so there will be less of a weight gain from today from what I'll be able to see.

I'm disgusting, but I fucking love my binge days, all the food and calories. Yum. FUCKING PIG I AM!!!! Oh well, I'll hate myself tomorrow. And tonight.

Whatever. I've had too much shit to stop now. Btw, I fucking adore chai latte's and potato bake. Fuck.

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