Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Rewards System?

Ok, this binge shit? Yeah, it's fucking over. O-V-E-R, OVER. I cannot stand my fat fucking body. I'm just so fucking glad that I don't actually look to be 56kg, it has to be sort of food weight. I look like I did at 53 ot 54kg. Not good, but not like, super shit. Like I said in my last post, 2 weeks and 4 days to lose 6kg. Then an extra 2 weeks had better get me down to 47kg. For fucks sake, this weight has to go, I'm getting depressed again! FUCK THIS. I'm full of rage, having a big-arse rage rant for all of you. Sorry, I'm sorry.

Anyway, once I reach 50kg (so long as it is in 2 weeks and 4 days, OR LESS) I am allowed to colour my hair again. Either a purple brown or a red brown, similar to the brown in my head shots, but more fun for the warmer months ahead. Once I reach 47kg, (again, by then end of the first 2 weeks back at school, OR EARLIER) I can get my second holes done for my ears! I want these two things so much. So I better get working, NO MORE BINGING I FEEL LIKE SHIT I DO NOT GET WHY I DO IT! I AM STRONGER THAN THIS, I HAVE PROVEN IT BEFORE AND I CAN PROVE IT AGAIN!

x SkinnyyLovee