Thursday, 30 August 2012

This is who I am.

This blog? This is who I am. This is one of the major focuses in my life - food. It's really quite depressing when I think about it. I'm just 16 years old, yet I've been obsessing over food for nearly 2 years now. TWO YEARS. That's if you only count my obsession with food as having begun when I wanted to start losing weight. If you count my dark days of binging at every meal, and every snack in-between, having tantrum's when somebody got a bigger piece of cake than me or one more potato than I, and the staying up until mum's (at times, mum and the partner) in bed so I can go and raid the fridge and pantry or stealing chocolate from the supermarket - both under the impression that it doesn't count if nobody knows.... well, if you count all of that, then I've been obsessing over food for seven years now.

Seven years.

Here's some pictures to give you an idea of my fatty McFattington timeline.

This is me at about 70kg. October 2010, 14 years of age - just before I decided to lose weight.

Me at about 64kg. April 2011, still 14 - I've lost some fat but nowhere near enough.

Here, I'm about 57kg, give or take. June 2011, 14 years old, too fat.

Now I am about 52-53kg, but that includes muscle from gym. September 2011, 15 years old now. I might have been able to maintain this if I hadn't dropped my calories to the point where I no longer had the energy to go to gym. However, had I not had muscle, I'm guessing I'd have been 48kg at this point.

I'm probably 50kg here. November 2011, 15 years of age - the dress was falling down all night...

This is me at about 48kg to 47kg. July 2012, 15 years of age (2 weeks before my 16th birthday) - I want this again, but slightly more tanned, toned, and thin.

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